Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matt 5:5
The Diocese of Leeds in association with The Briery Retreat Centre

“May we, with Christ-like tenderness and compassion, know how to be close and offer consolation to families suffering the loss of a loved one. Above all, may we always be witnesses to the love which Christ revealed through his cross and resurrection, a love stronger than death.” Pope Francis – Audience June 2015
A diocesan wide Ministry to support Parishes as they seek to enable effective witness of loving and compassionate lay service before, during and after the death of loved ones.
The Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care Team
Who are we?
We are a group working through the auspices of The Briery Retreat Centre Ilkley, who are trained in grief support and companionship. Many members of the group are also trained and experienced as spiritual accompaniers/ directors and prayer guides in the Ignatian tradition. Some of us are religious, some are single, some are married, some are parents & grandparents.
In the Diocese of Leeds we will help to make Jesus’ vision in the Beatitudes a reality and in the name of Jesus, we will support and develop high-quality and effective Bereavement Care.
To achieve this, we will:
- Be rooted in prayer and the love of God
- Work in partnership with the Bishop and clergy of the Diocese
- Commit to building a platform of skills, knowledge and understanding of Bereavement Support which will be both theological and practical in nature
- Provide high quality training to enable effective witness of loving and compassionate lay service before, during and after the death of loved ones.
The Structure of the Organisation
Bereavement Care Team
A group of clergy, religious and lay people who are trained as Grief Companions and who will facilitate the formation and development of Bereavement Care groups in parishes and deaneries in the Diocese of Leeds.
Bereavement Care Parish Group Members
A group of people (both clergy and lay) who offer bereavement support and companionship within their parish/deanery.
- Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care (EPBC) Team will facilitate the formation and development of Bereavement Care groups in parishes and deaneries in the Diocese of Leeds and will contribute to the development of Bereavement Care networks in the diocese.
- All involved in the work of the Bereavement Care Ministry will undergo appropriate Safeguarding checks and training and will operate within the Diocesan and parish Safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Ongoing formation for the Bereavement Care Groups will be provided by EPBC Team. This will include retreats, days of reflection, input from suitably qualified and experienced professionals and the sharing of resources.
- Peer Group support for those involved in Bereavement Care will be facilitated by Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care Team. Individual supervision will also be recommended.
- The EPBC will meet on a regular basis to offer continuing mutual support, supervision and to review and plan.
- Anyone seeking help to form a Bereavement Care group will be asked to contact The EPBC Leadership Team who will offer the relevant support and information.
- There will be a page on the Diocese of Leeds website containing information about Grief Support Training, Bereavement Care Groups and what the EPBC Team can offer to parishes/deaneries.

If you require further details or are interested in forming a Bereavement Care Group in your parish/deanery please contact a member of the Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care Leadership Team: epbereavementcare@dioceseofleeds.org.uk or The Briery Retreat Centre 01943 607287